
If your clinical software is integrated with QScript or you are using the RTPM Notification App, each time you prescribe or dispense a monitored medicine a red, amber or green QScript notification will display, to indicate the estimated risk based on information in QScript.

If your prescribing or dispensing software is integrated with QScript, you can get real-time QScript notifications directly in your clinical software, before finalising a prescription.

If your prescribing or dispensing software is not fully integrated with QScript, installing the RTPM Notification App will allow you to receive real-time QScript notifications immediately after finalising a prescription.

Notification colours

QScript notifications provide information to help you make an informed decision about your patient's care.

Notification colour




red notification icon

The current medication event has triggered one or more alert rules.

The notification remains on the screen until you click it.

Click the notification to go to the patient's QScript profile in your browser.


amber notification icon

A matching patient record has been found, but the current medication event has not triggered an alert rule.

The notification stays on the screen until you click it.

Click the notification to go to the patient's QScript profile in your browser.


green notification icon

No pre-existing patient record has been found, and no alert rules have been triggered.

The notification disappears after 3 seconds unless you click it.

When you click it, the Patient Search screen opens in your browser.

  1. Click the notification to launch the QScript Practitioner Portal in your browser.

  2. Log in, or if you have already logged in today, enter your PIN.

  3. If you have clicked on a Red or Amber notification, the patient’s QScript profile displays. If you have clicked on a Green notification, the Patient Search screen displays.